National Projects

Advanced Central Services of HEAL-Link's Open Access Digital Libraries

Date started: 
February, 2012

The goal of this project is to provide all Greek academic institutions - members of the Hellenic Academic Libraries Link with a working institutional repository platform, support them and provide guidelines during the first steps of their operation...


Date started: 
November, 2011

Through the E-Museum project (funded in the framework of the GSRT PAVET-NE research and development action), we are providing a core of reusable components capable of supporting advanced museum (and exhibition) services, not only to visitors in the museum, but also to virtual visitors who access collections through the web...


Date started: 
November, 2010

The project entailed a series of activities and tasks aiming at the development and validation of an ambient information environment "AVATON", which allowed for interactive navigation within the combined physical-geographical and informational space of the Aegean volcanic arc...


Date started: 
November, 2006 to November, 2008

The PRIAMOS research project aims at developing reusable core technology for the real-time extraction and management of semantics from combined multimedia sources...