Our lab wins international Award for Excellence
Every year, the editorial team members of every journal published by Emerald are called to nominate the paper that in their opinion is the "Outstanding Paper" and up to three "Highly Commended Papers" for the previous year.
Our paper [1] won the Outstanding Paper Award in the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2015, for the journal The Electronic Library (2014 Impact Factor by Thomson Reuters: 0.535). Publisher's announcement is found online at: http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/authors/literati/awards.htm?year=2...
The research was carried out in collaboration with the National Documentation Centre and presents an approach for the provision of scholarly information as Linked Open Data. It describes how the data can be semantically annotated, by a non-obtrusive and standards-compliant manner in order to be part of the Semantic Web. Also, a set of mappings is proposed between vocabularies that can be (re)used towards this goal.
The paper is the journal’s sample article and as such will be in open-access for 1 year. You can find the paper here: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/EL-12-2012-0156
[1] N. Konstantinou, D.E. Spanos, N. Houssos, N. Mitrou: "Exposing scholarly information as Linked Open Data: RDFizing DSpace contents", The Electronic Library, Volume 32, Number 6, Pages 834-851, 2014